Any information on this site is Copyright 2012 Finding My Muchness LLC. No information, in whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced without written consent.
Information uploaded by individual users is owned by them and no information, in whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Finding My Muchness, LLC.
FindingMyMuchness is designed for users to upload their own original content. If a user chooses to upload content that doesn’t belong to them we encourage them to credit the work and include a link to the original posting. If they do not, FindingMyMuchness.LLC will not be held responsible. Even if they do properly credit and link to the work, FindingMyMuchnessLLC is still not to be held responsible if someone feels their copyright has been infringed upon.
If a third party believes their work has been infringed upon, they may contact Finding My Muchness LLC and we will attempt to address the issue and remove the content as necessary.
Finding My Muchness LLC may use user content at it’s discretion for Finding My Muchness’s self-promotional purposes. We will NEVER sell or share member’s information. In other words, if you are awesome and you’ve written some really complimentary stuff about The Muchness we just might quote it to let other people know how Muchtastic The Muchness is. But we’ll most likely tell you if we’re gonna do that. And we’ll never share more information than you have publicly shared on the site.